It was one of the largest battles not only of the Great Patriotic War, but also of the entire Second World War. It lasted from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943. February 2, the day of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, is the Day of Military Glory of Russia.
Within the framework of this topic, a competition lesson was held in the ninth grade of Lambirovskaya School No. 1, the purpose of which was to expand knowledge about the decisive battle that determined the outcome of the Great Patriotic War. High school students were asked to take a quiz, during which they chose answers to specific questions about the events of that time. For example, what was the name of Mamayev Kurgan in wartime, or what feat Mikhail Panikakha performed.
Photo: Public Vk of the MOU "Lyambirskaya Secondary School No. 1"
In Komsomolskaya School No. 1, they chose a different lesson format - they conducted a virtual tour with elementary school students called "Roads of Victory". It was conducted by the advisor to the Director of Educational work and interaction with children's organizations. The students traveled through the panorama museum "Battle of Stalingrad" and Mamayev Kurgan. During the lesson, the students learned about how the monuments appeared on the memorial complex, about their prototypes, as well as details and key moments of the Battle of Stalingrad.
Photo: Public Vk MBOU "Komsomolskaya secondary school No. 1"
Students from Kovylkin school No. 4 visited the memorial complex on Mamayev Kurgan. During the virtual tour, they saw the high-relief "Memory of Generations", walked along the Alley of Poplars to the Square of Those Who Stood to Death, along the Wall of Ruins they went to Heroes' Square, and then through the Square of Sorrow they approached the central figure of the complex — the Sculpture "Motherland calls!". The guys noted the grandeur and splendor of the entire memorial complex and the fact that visiting here evokes a sense of sorrow for the dead and a sense of pride for their country and their people.
Photo: Public Vk MBOU Kovylkinskaya Secondary School 4
At school No. 32 in Saransk, the adviser to the director of educational work conducted a lesson on the Battle of Stalingrad for eighth grade students. During the lesson, the students learned about the heroism of the soldiers of the Red Army, about the exploits and heroes of this battle, about the important events that became crucial during the battle on the high bank of the Volga. At the end of the lesson, the students consolidated their knowledge by taking part in the "Unconquered Stalingrad" quiz.
Photo: Public Vk MOU SECONDARY SCHOOL 32, Saransk
Earlier, we told you how events dedicated to the 81st anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad were held in Mordovia.