The online lesson was held on the SME.RF platform. A neural secretary is an element of artificial intelligence that supports entrepreneurs. It allows you to optimize your workflow and save time. With the help of a neural secretary, you can quickly prepare a summary of a meeting, record tasks, deadlines, and those responsible for them. Meetings are more efficient thanks to the neural secretary. One hour of discussion turns into a structured document containing key points.
Photo: ru.freepik.com
Andrey Artislennikov, a technology specialist and creator of the FollowUp neural secretary, held an hour-and-a-half online event. He conducts all meetings using artificial intelligence, which helps him analyze the effectiveness of his work. In addition, Andrey evaluates the projects of the INNOACCELAI AI startup accelerator.
The businessmen were shown how to effectively use free neural networks to achieve optimal meeting results. They will be able to memorize important names and numbers, as well as access prompta — text queries that allow neural networks to convert audio into text and provide answers in a convenient format for a work chat.
Earlier, we talked about the integration of digital platforms for SMEs.The Russian Federation and Gosuslug will make life easier for Mordovian entrepreneurs.