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Российские музыкальные лейблы в 2024 году нарастили выручку и прибыль на 50–60%
Российские музыкальные компании значительно улучшили свои финансовые результаты. 7 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. Российские музыкальные компании значительно улучшили свои финансовые результаты. После ухода с рынка трёх крупных международных лейблов: Warner Music, Universal Music и Sony Music они начали активное расширение своих бизнесов. Фото: ru.freepik.com Как сообщает «Коммерсант», их выручка и прибыль за прошлый год выросли на 50–60%. Среди лидеров— «Первое музыкальное издательство», сотрудничающее...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Неравенство доходов в России практически достигло уровней 2021 года
К концу 2024 года индекс Джини, характеризующий диспропорцию в доходах между гражданами, вырос до уровня 0,408, увеличившись от значения 0,405 2023 года (что ...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
RuStore установили на устройства более 100 млн раз
... продукту Олег Афанасьев, за прошедший год существенно расширилась присутствие RuStore на различных устройствах и операционных системах. Если в 2024 году сервис впервые стал доступен на электронных книгах и телевизорах, то сейчас его можно использовать также на проекторах, аудиоплеерах ...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Сбер снизил минимальную ставку по потребительским кредитам до 25,9%
... с 4 марта, банк изменил ставки по ипотеке , снизив их на 1-1,5 процентных пункта в зависимости от размера первоначального взноса. По итогам 2024 года Сбербанк стал лидером по приросту портфеля кредитов граждан. Однако к концу года у него наблюдалось снижение объемов кредитования,...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Российские женщины-предпринимательницы с оптимизмом смотрят в будущее
... важность государственной поддержки, особенно в виде специальных налоговых режимов и образовательных программ. Накануне мы рассказывали, что в 2024 году среди новых индивидуальных предпринимателей около половины - женщины.
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Ozon снижает тарифы для компаний
... шести категориям товаров (велосипеды, тренажеры, мебель, крупная бытовая техника) комиссии вырастут на 2 процентных пункта. Фото: MEDIA-TALK В 2024 году число покупателей Ozon увеличилось на 23% и достигло 57 миллионов, при этом на покупателя в среднем приходилось 26 заказов в год. Общее ...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Банк «Санкт-Петербург» в 2024 году более 50 млрд рублей за 2024 год
Финансовая организация завершила 2024 год с чистой прибылью в 50,8 млрд рублей, показав рост на 7,3% относительно предыдущего года. 5 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. Финансовая организация завершила ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Московская биржа отчиталась о рекордной прибыли по итогам 2024 года
... выросли до 63 млрд рублей благодаря активности клиентов и новым услугам. Чистый доход от процентов составил 81,9 млрд рублей из-за роста ставок. В 2024 году на бирже прошло 13 IPO (первичных размещений акций) и 4 SPO (вторичных размещений), а количество акций для внебиржевых сделок увеличилось ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
DHL объявила о сокращении 8000 сотрудников в рамках оптимизации
DHL объявила о намерении сократить около 8000 рабочих мест в Германии в 2024 году, что является частью стратегии по экономии свыше 1 млрд евро к 2027 году. 5 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. DHL объявила о намерении сократить около 8000 рабочих ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Индивидуальных предпринимателей в России стало 4,5 млн
... новых предпринимателей. Данные исследования опубликовало РИА Новости. Специалисты также проанализировали гендерный состав среди ИП. В 2024 году в рядах новых предпринимателей было немного больше мужчин — 497 тысяч из 978 тысяч регистраций. А вот в 2023 году женщины были чуть впереди ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
В феврале 2025 года продажи авто в РФ сократились на 29%
... В январе-феврале 2025 года количество реализованных машин увеличилось на 3%, составив 976 014 единиц. Накануне мы сообщали о том, что в текущем 2024 году средний рост затрат граждан на обслуживание автомобилей составил 14%.
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Цены на яйца в РФ ниже, чем в других странах G20
... продукцию может составить 40% по итогам 2025 года. В России же цены яйца также стали предметом внимания контрольных органов , после роста цен в 2024 году сейчас средняя цена составляет 115 рублей за десяток, что ставит страну на первое место по доступности этого продукта среди стран «Двадцатки»....
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Расходы россиян на услуги автосервисов в 2024 году выросли в среднем на 14%
Средняя стоимость обслуживания авто увеличилась на 14%, достигнув 3767 рублей. При этом общее количество обращений в автосервисы выросло на 11%. 5 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. Средняя стоимость обслуживания авто увеличилась на 14%, достигнув 3767 рублей. При этом общее количество обращений в автосервисы выросло на 11%. По данным аналитиков «Чек Индекс», среди отдельных услуг наиболее значительный рост цен зафиксирован в шиномонтаже. Средняя стоимость комплекта услуг в этой категории составила 2670 рублей...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Россияне задолжали банкам более 500 млрд рублей по кредитным картам
Сумма выплат, которая не была погашена за 90 дней, увеличились на 27% по сравнению с январём 2024 года, составив 510 млрд рублей. 5 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. Сумма выплат, которая не была погашена за 90 дней, увеличились на 27% по сравнению с январём ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Индия сократила поставки нефти из России
... январе он составил 1,67 млн баррелей в сутки, а в феврале снизился до 1,46 млн. Данные показатели на 6,7% и 18,4% ниже среднего ежемесячного показателя 2024 года, отмечает «Коммерсант». Несмотря на это, Россия в январе продолжала оставаться главным поставщиком нефти для Индии, хотя доля других ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Рынок отечественных срезанных цветов демонстрирует рост
В России наблюдается уверенный рост производства цветочной продукции: в 2024 году оно увеличилось на 3-5% по сравнению с прошлым годом. 5 марта. /MEDIA TALK/. В России наблюдается уверенный рост производства цветочной продукции: ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Показатели деловой активности в сфере услуг России достигли полугодового минимума
В феврале 2024 года индекс PMI, отражающий деловую активность в сфере услуг России, опустился до 50,5 пункта, став самым низким значением за последние шесть ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Кабмин назвал проекты, которые получат финансирование из ФНБ
... контролем Правительства, что позволит свести к минимуму нарушения и обеспечит эффективное расходование бюджетных средств. Напомним, что в 2024 году из Фонда национального благосостояния было выделено на реализацию инфраструктурных проектов почти 1 трлн рублей.
Изменен: 05.03.2025
В России предложили увеличить лимит на рассрочку до 50 тысяч рублей
... оформлять рассрочку на более дорогие покупки, включая импортные товары. По данным «Т-Банка», объём операций через сервисы рассрочки в России в 2024 году вырос на 60% по сравнению с 2023 годом — с 180 до 300 млрд рублей. Ожидается, что в 2025 году его объём достигнет 400 млрд рублей.
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Данные геолокации не заменят налоговую проверку, но помогут уточнить информацию о клиенте
... направлены на повышение прозрачности и соблюдение налогового законодательства, а также на предотвращение возможных нарушений. Напомним , что в 2024 году налоговые поступления в бюджет РФ выросли на 20,3% и достигли отметки в 56,3 трлн рублей.
Изменен: 05.03.2025


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A virtual Podorozhnik card has started working in St. Petersburg on public transport
... app will save users time. It allows you to buy tickets, arrange travel passes, 90-minute or daily trips. Next, discounted tickets will appear here. Photo: ru.freepik.com Testing of the virtual "Plantain" has been conducted since 2024. 25,000 people participated in the experiment, the press service of the St. Petersburg city administration said. St. Petersburg pharmacists have developed a new form of medicines for hypertensive patients.
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Income inequality in Russia has almost reached the levels of 2021
By the end of 2024, the Gini index, which characterizes the income disparity between citizens, rose to 0.408, an increase from 0.405 in 2023 (which corresponds to an increase from 40.5% to 40.8%). March 7th. /MEDIA TALK/. By the end of 2024, the Gini index, which ...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Russian music labels increased revenue and profit by 50-60% in 2024%
Russian music companies have significantly improved their financial results. March 7th. /MEDIA TALK/. Russian music companies have significantly improved their financial results. After the withdrawal of three major international labels from the market: Warner Music, Universal Music and Sony Music, they began to actively expand their businesses. Photo: ru.freepik.com According to Kommersant, their revenue and profit increased by 50-60% last year. Among the leaders is the First Music...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Ozon reduces tariffs for companies
... supplements, baby dishes), the commission will decrease from 18% to 11%. Commissions for six categories of goods (bicycles, exercise equipment, furniture, and large household appliances) will increase by 2 percentage points. Photo: MEDIA-TALK In 2024, the number of Ozon customers increased by 23% to 57 million, with an average of 26 orders per customer per year. The total number of orders increased by 52% to 1.47 billion. In Russia and the CIS, there are more than 50,000 Ozon order pick-up points ...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
The Savings Bank lowered the minimum rate on consumer loans to 25.9%
... customers to 21% per annum, and for the premium segment to 21.25%. Photo: MEDIA—TALK Earlier, on March 4, the bank changed mortgage rates, reducing them by 1-1.5 percentage points, depending on the size of the initial payment. By the end of 2024, Sberbank became the leader in the growth of its loan portfolio. However, by the end of the year, he saw a decrease in lending volumes, as did VTB, Alfa-Bank and T-bank. Experts note that the main factor in the growth of the credit market last year ...
Изменен: 07.03.2025
RuStore has been installed on devices more than 100 million times
....freepik.com Among all smartphones using RuStore, Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 became the leader. According to Oleg Afanasyev, Product Director, RuStore's presence on various devices and operating systems has significantly expanded over the past year. If in 2024 the service became available for the first time on e-books and televisions, now it can also be used on projectors, audio players and game consoles.
Изменен: 07.03.2025
Russian women entrepreneurs are optimistic about the future
.... Among the respondents, 55% rate their current business position as stable. Women emphasize the importance of government support, especially in the form of special tax regimes and educational programs. The day before, we told you that in 2024, about half of the new individual entrepreneurs are women.
Изменен: 07.03.2025
In February 2025, car sales in Russia decreased by 29%
... used car market showed a decrease to 481,245 units compared to the previous year, a decrease of 7%. In January-February 2025, the number of cars sold increased by 3%, amounting to 976,014 units. The day before, we reported that in the current 2024, the average increase in car maintenance costs for citizens was 14%.
Изменен: 06.03.2025
There are 4.5 million individual entrepreneurs in Russia.
... from 3.7 million to 4.5 million. About one million (978,000) new entrepreneurs have been registered this year alone. The research data was published by RIA Novosti. Experts also analyzed the gender composition among individual entrepreneurs. In 2024, there were slightly more men in the ranks of new entrepreneurs — 497 thousand out of 978 thousand registrations. But in 2023, women were slightly ahead — 498,000 out of 980,000. Photo: ru.freepik.com If we talk about business lines,...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Bank Saint Petersburg in 2024 more than 50 billion rubles in 2024
The financial institution ended 2024 with a net profit of 50.8 billion rubles, showing an increase of 7.3% compared to the previous year. 5th of March. /MEDIA TALK/. The financial institution ended 2024 with a net profit of 50.8 billion rubles, showing an increase of 7.3% compared ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Vologda schoolchildren will be helped to build a career in their region as part of a national project
... guidance tests, excursions, contests, master classes and profile shifts will be held for teenagers during the holidays. The events will take place in secondary vocational education institutions and enterprises. Photo: ru.freepik.com In 2024, high school students tried their hand at the professions of urban cadastre engineer, 3D modeling specialist, repairman, electrician, teacher organizer, as well as in such areas as forestry, transport and logistics. The students were hosted ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
DHL announced the reduction of 8000 employees as part of optimization
DHL has announced its intention to cut about 8,000 jobs in Germany in 2024, as part of a strategy to save over 1 billion euros by 2027. 5th of March. /MEDIA TALK/. DHL has announced its intention to cut about 8,000 jobs in Germany in 2024, as part of a strategy to save over 1 billion euros by 2027. According to Reuters,...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Egg prices in Russia are lower than in other G20 countries
... reasons for the rise in egg prices. According to market forecasts, annual product growth may reach 40% by the end of 2025. In Russia, egg prices have also become the subject of the attention of the control authorities, after the price increase in 2024, the average price is now 115 rubles per dozen, which puts the country in first place in terms of the availability of this product among the "Twenty" countries. Photo: ru.freepik.com Brazil (144 rubles) and Turkey (147 rubles) ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
Moscow Stock Exchange reports record profit in 2024
... 80.1 billion rubles, its year-on-year growth was almost 30%. Commission income increased to 63 billion rubles due to customer activity and new services. Net interest income amounted to 81.9 billion rubles due to rising interest rates. In 2024, the exchange hosted 13 IPOs (initial public offerings) and 4 SPOs (secondary placements), and the number of shares for over-the-counter transactions increased to 135. 759 issues worth 8.4 trillion rubles have been placed on the bond market. ...
Изменен: 06.03.2025
9 new heat sources for social institutions to be installed in Ulyanovsk region
... modernization of heat sources will be allocated from the regional treasury. According to the governor, the authorities are transferring social institutions from heating with firewood and coal to gas where it became possible after gasification. In 2024, the transition to gas heating affected 14 institutions. Photo: ru.freepik.com Cooperation with Gazprom makes it possible to increase the pace of laying networks and connecting settlements within the framework of the five-year project....
Изменен: 05.03.2025
A training session on the shipment of products was held at the Irkutsk Polymer Plant
... shipping process. The first training sessions were successful. Regular exercises will allow the company to reduce the threat of warehouse overcrowding and delayed deliveries. Additional classes for employees are scheduled for mid-March. At the end of 2024, the Irkutsk Polymer Plant produced the first polyethylene pellets from the purchased raw materials as part of the commissioning. The staff successfully tested the main systems: an extruder, compressors for recycling and circulating gas, which ensure ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
The domestic cut flower market is showing growth
Russia is experiencing steady growth in the production of floral products: in 2024, it increased by 3-5% compared to last year. 5th of March. /MEDIA TALK/. Russia is experiencing steady growth in the production of floral products: in 2024, it increased by 3-5% compared to last year. This assessment is presented in the materials ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
India has reduced oil supplies from Russia
... imports to India decreased after the introduction of US sanctions. In January, it amounted to 1.67 million barrels per day, and in February it decreased to 1.46 million. These figures are 6.7% and 18.4% lower than the average monthly figure for 2024, Kommersant notes. Despite this, Russia continued to be India's main oil supplier in January, although the share of other countries also increased. So, against the background of sanctions against the Russian oil sector, India increased oil imports ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Business activity indicators in the Russian service sector have reached a six-month low
In February 2024, the PMI index, reflecting business activity in the Russian service sector, dropped to 50.5 points, becoming the lowest value in the last six months. In January, this indicator was 54.6 points. 5th of March. /MEDIA TALK/. In February 2024, the PMI ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Russians' spending on car service stations increased by an average of 14% in 2024.%
The average cost of car maintenance increased by 14%, reaching 3,767 rubles. At the same time, the total number of calls to car services increased by 11%. 5th of March. /MEDIA TALK/. The average cost of car maintenance increased by 14%, reaching 3,767 rubles. At the same time, the total number of calls to car services increased by 11%. According to analysts at Check Index, among individual services, the most significant price increase was recorded in tire repair. The average cost of a set of...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
In Russia, it was proposed to increase the installment limit to 50 thousand rubles.
... market. Increasing the limit can stimulate the market by allowing consumers to arrange installments for more expensive purchases, including imported goods. According to T-Bank, the volume of transactions through installment services in Russia in 2024 increased by 60% compared to 2023, from 180 to 300 billion rubles. It is expected that in 2025 its volume will reach 400 billion rubles.
Изменен: 05.03.2025
The Cabinet of Ministers named the projects that will receive funding from the NWF
... the Solnechny children's camp in the Artek center. Photo: ru.freepik.com It is noted that all projects are under special Government control, which will minimize violations and ensure efficient spending of budget funds. Recall that in 2024, almost 1 trillion rubles were allocated from the National Welfare Fund for the implementation of infrastructure projects.
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Russians owe banks more than 500 billion rubles on credit cards
The amount of payments that were not repaid in 90 days increased by 27% compared to January 2024, amounting to 510 billion rubles. 5th of March. /MEDIA TALK/. The amount of payments that were not repaid in 90 days increased by 27% compared to January 2024, amounting to 510 billion rubles. According to the data of the Scoring Bureau published ...
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Geolocation data will not replace a tax check, but it will help clarify information about the client.
... help clarify information about the client and ensure the correct fulfillment of tax obligations. The new measures are aimed at increasing transparency and compliance with tax laws, as well as preventing possible violations. Recall that in 2024, tax revenues to the budget of the Russian Federation increased by 20.3% and reached 56.3 trillion rubles.
Изменен: 05.03.2025
Starbucks continues trademark registration in Russia
The request for registration of the symbols of the American Starbucks Corporation was received in May 2024, registration is dated February 12, 2025. March 4. /MEDIA TALK/. The request for registration of the symbols of the American Starbucks Corporation was received in May 2024, registration is dated February 12, 2025. The registry also has a registered ...
Изменен: 04.03.2025
The head of the Pskov region visited the renovated neurological department of the Pskov Interdistrict Hospital
... Interdistrict Hospital. March 4. /MEDIA TALK/. Mikhail Vedernikov, Governor of the Pskov Region, and Boris Yelkin, Mayor of the regional capital, visited the Pskov Interdistrict Hospital. They examined the neurological department, which was renovated in 2024. Part of the building was completely renovated as part of the national Healthcare project. The rest of the 500 square meter area was reconstructed. The modernization of the medical facility cost 26 million rubles. Photo: ru.freepik.com ...
Изменен: 04.03.2025
The Accounting Chamber returned almost 150 billion rubles to the budget
By the end of 2024, the Accounting Chamber returned 148.9 billion rubles to the budgets of all levels. March 4. /MEDIA TALK/. By the end of 2024, the Accounting Chamber returned 148.9 billion rubles to the budgets of all levels. Of these, almost two thirds (96.9 billion ...
Изменен: 04.03.2025
Russia will create industry-specific programs for labor productivity growth
... affiliation – approximately 123 thousand institutions. In addition, the measures will affect at least 40% of medium-sized and large companies in key and non-manufacturing sectors of the economy. Earlier, we reported that by the end of December 2024, the average monthly salary of Russians reached its maximum in the last 16 years, increasing by 21.9% in annual terms.
Изменен: 04.03.2025
VTB and Sberbank cut mortgage rates
... measures are designed to make mortgages more affordable for citizens and support demand in the real estate market. Earlier, we wrote that according to Dom. RF, the number of mortgage loans issued in January 2025 decreased by 71% compared to January 2024.
Изменен: 04.03.2025
The volume of transactions on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange in February 2025 showed an eightfold increase in a month.
By the end of February 2025, the volume of transactions on the trading platform increased almost 8 times compared to January and almost 33 times compared to February 2024. March 4. /MEDIA TALK/. By the end of February 2025, the volume of transactions on the trading platform increased almost 8 times compared to January and almost 33 times compared to February 2024. As follows from the official release of the ...
Изменен: 04.03.2025